Randi's mom/secretary/nursing assistant here...Today Randi had another one of her drooling episodes...more severe than the past...Around 11:45am Randi became very agitated & stressed & immediate clung to my side...I took her into the living room & sat with her on the floor...she was literally sitting in my lap...all 90 pounds of her...She hadn't started to drool yet, but she was doing a few things that were entirely new in comparion to past episodes...she started moving her jaw like she was chewing gum - over & over & then kept licking her lips...she would sit up & then sit in a lying position & then lick her paws - almost like she was making sure they were still there...her pupils were dialiated, her heart rate was sky high & her body temp was very warm. She was extremely needy & stressed - bewildered is the word...I don't know if I saw her tremble at all...maybe just a shiver-like tremble...& then the settled down after a few minutes & just wanted to be held...She ate lunch around 1pm after she calmed down & continued to drool for then next 5 hours...napping off & on...we went on a short walk around 4:30pm & she ate dinner around 5:15pm...so her appitite & mobility are good. I contacted Dublin's former renal specialist & mentioned all the symptoms to her...she thinks it could be signs of partial (or focal motor) seizure...Meaning a seizure that is not so severe that she loses consciousness, but bad enough to stress her out. Another thought she had was that if Randi's episodes coincide with her meals since she is on a high protein diet (and dogs with liver issues, or some other problems with protein metabolism specifically urea acid cycle defects) they sometimes have "spacy" episodes after meals and drool. The vet specialist reassured me that is sounded scary, but it most likely isn't, so not to worry.
Please keep Randi in your thoughts & send pawsitive vibes her way...She was so stressed today it was beyond belief...I'll keep you all updated...She's napping sweetly on her bed at the moment.
Love (& Licks from Randi)
Randi's mom
p.s. Extra special thanks to Wally & his Ma-Ape for pointing out in a past blog comment that seizures might me something to ponder...I'm sure Randi is thinking right now..."My Wally, My Hero"...