Monday, January 26, 2009


Randi's mom/secretary/nursing assistant here...Today Randi had another one of her drooling episodes...more severe than the past...Around 11:45am Randi became very agitated & stressed & immediate clung to my side...I took her into the living room & sat with her on the floor...she was literally sitting in my lap...all 90 pounds of her...She hadn't started to drool yet, but she was doing a few things that were entirely new in comparion to past episodes...she started moving her jaw like she was chewing gum - over & over & then kept licking her lips...she would sit up & then sit in a lying position & then lick her paws - almost like she was making sure they were still there...her pupils were dialiated, her heart rate was sky high & her body temp was very warm. She was extremely needy & stressed - bewildered is the word...I don't know if I saw her tremble at all...maybe just a shiver-like tremble...& then the settled down after a few minutes & just wanted to be held...She ate lunch around 1pm after she calmed down & continued to drool for then next 5 hours...napping off & on...we went on a short walk around 4:30pm & she ate dinner around her appitite & mobility are good. I contacted Dublin's former renal specialist & mentioned all the symptoms to her...she thinks it could be signs of partial (or focal motor) seizure...Meaning a seizure that is not so severe that she loses consciousness, but bad enough to stress her out. Another thought she had was that if Randi's episodes coincide with her meals since she is on a high protein diet (and dogs with liver issues, or some other problems with protein metabolism specifically urea acid cycle defects) they sometimes have "spacy" episodes after meals and drool. The vet specialist reassured me that is sounded scary, but it most likely isn't, so not to worry.

Please keep Randi in your thoughts & send pawsitive vibes her way...She was so stressed today it was beyond belief...I'll keep you all updated...She's napping sweetly on her bed at the moment.

Love (& Licks from Randi)

Randi's mom

p.s. Extra special thanks to Wally & his Ma-Ape for pointing out in a past blog comment that seizures might me something to ponder...I'm sure Randi is thinking right now..."My Wally, My Hero"...

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Happy Randay Everybody! Here's a little hint to let you know what I'm doing today...SOFA SNOOZING!
Ahhh.....Nothing like a little Randay nap on the couch...
& a little sunbaking in the sun with my trusty Snuffleupagus stuffie & yellow star stuffie...
My mom/secretary was supposed to post these on Tuesday when Mr. Obama took his new job...but she didn't...anyway...Here is Mr. President Obama looking down on me & promising to take extra special care of all the puppies in the USA & hopefully elsewhere too...
I'm looking forward to meeting the new puppy/doggie the Obama peoples are gonna adopt...maybe Mr. President Obama can join Dogs With Blogs & write a weekly bloggy from the White House...
On this Randay, I'm thankful for couches, naps in the sun & the soon-to-be adopted fuzzy animal that will be occupying the White House AKA the First PUPPY!!!

Love & Licks,

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Happy Randay Everybody! First off...I'd like to dedicate this Randay to POOKA - aka Pooka Casanewfa...who's testing for his therapy doggy certificate today! Good Luck Pooka! You can do it! So I started drooling again on Wednesday & my mom/secretary took me to the vet...nothing wrong with my teethies...or my temperature... & they stole some of my blood & my inner poopies which is so not cool - but all those tests came back normal...the vetties think if could be a few things - like from my skin antibiotics making my tummy upset & causing nausa...or a ulcer somewhere or something from with my I have to take antacids 2x a day...& hopefully that will help...but I just started drooling again a bit tonight after I ate...
Its been a pretty low-key Randay...just lots of snoozing on my outdoor beds & some ball throwing...& tonight I was able to play ball under a very pretty sunset!
Look at my alien eyes!
Do you see me spying on the neighbors? My bro Dublin used to do that all the time at night..he was such a voyeur!
Crazy alien eyes again!
On this Randay, I'm thankful for my mom/secretary/nursing assistant who wipes the droolies off of my snouter & still give me kisses & tummy rubs even when I've left lots of puddles of drool on the carpet.
Love & Licks,

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Happy Randay Everybody...well, yesterday I had my 2nd bath of the week & my skin feels better & its keeping the itchies this good...what is bad, though, is that I've been feeling kinda cruddy...
A few days ago I didn't feel so good so my mom/secretary just snuggled with me on the couch for a few hours...
Then yesterday I started drooling & just wouldn't stop...I made a few puddles on the carpet & tile floors...
I'm eating OK no problem there... I think I'm just gonna continue to rest today...
In the sunshine...sorry to all you who've been slammed with more snow...I'd gladly take some..
***from Randi's mom/secretary: Randi has done this in the past where she'll just start drooling & its like a little faucet turned on in her mouth...She's not panting when she does this, nor pacing or any other 'nervous' action...just a bit clingy & wanting affection & attention...In this past its happened maybe once every few months for no more than 10-15 minutes. Yesterday she did this almost all day...I've researched on the net..."possible pain, toothache, sore throat..." but nothing really definate. She's better today...wanting to play this morning...eating well (of course) & just napping... any ideas? I've asked the vet & they really can't pinpoint anything either...***
On this Randay, I'm thankful for lazy days in the sun.
Love & Licks,

Friday, January 9, 2009

Flakies & the Notorious V.E.T.

Hey I am trying to make an escape while at the V.E.T. the other day...I've had lots of flakies on my beautiful black fur furs & being the diva that I am, I like to be well coiffed at all times...
I'm trying to relax & read a bit of Dog Fancy, but I don't like the sound of the wimpering doggies in the other room...not a very peaceful place while I'm trying to get my hair treated for flakies...

Verdict? A dumb-dumb bacterial infection that will be treated with a month long course of antibioticables & baths 2 times a week with a special shampoo...

WHAT? I don't know why those silly bacterias like to take refuge in my mom/secretary seems to think it has something to do with my love to basking in the grass & roaching & maybe getting little bug bites that I like to scratch...but I'll never tell...
For now, I'm only allowed to back on the carpet in the sun or on my new Coolibar doggie beds outdoors...
Today is my little cub DEXTER LABRADUDE'S FIRST BURPDAY! Everybody go wish him a happy happy day!

Love & Licks,

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Happy Randay Everybody! Since my mom/secretary took a sick day cuz she has the sniffles & a drippy nosie, she thought it would be cute to post some toothie bloopers...Oh...before I forget...I wanna give a shout out to my mom's bro's peoples in Minnie-Soda...cuz I have a brand new human pup cousin! BABY KATE! She was borned this afternoon!
Ok, back to the photos......soooo not funny...
Yep...laugh all you want...
I can't even remember how many treats I was rewarded for this humiliating photo session...
On this Randay, I'm thankful for little baby human pups! Welcome to the world little Kate! Can't wait to give you a big smoochie...I promise to leave my teeth at home.
Love & Licks,