Guess what...I've been faithfully eating my reduced calorie food with carrots 3 times a day. Sure, it gets a bit boring sometimes, but being able to feel MY ribs is better (ok..almost...well, not really...) than eating a bunch of BBQ'd ribs......mmmmmmm....ribs... (I'm winking at my new boyfriend Pippa in this pic!)
& I stepped on the big scale at The Biggest Loser Vet Office today & I am 100 pounds! So far, I've lost 18 pounds...
AND...I'm going to be their spokes-doggy for their nutrition program! I had a sort of photo shoot (ok...the nutritionist had a digital camera handy) & they took snapshots of my now very slender waist....& my lovely lady rump...which is looking mighty perky these days.... They have a conference coming up & will be showing pictures of me! I think that's pretty neat..Move over Kiriste Alley...there's a new girl in town!
Love & Licks,
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
You lost 18 pounds!!!!!! Holy Cow! Don't get too skinny minny!
Hi, Randi
18 pounds?? That is a lot! Maybe you should give Kristy a call and let her know about your diet program! You are loosing pounds faster than her!
I hope your are feeling great being lighter!
Have a good night
Wow, Randi, you lost two whole Poppies! That is amazing. You look very nice in your hat and natural white gloves--very slimming.
Great hat Randi!
And cogratz on your weight loss... have you been lifting weights like Luckie Girl the Dachsie?! Looking beautiful dahling!
;o) the Corgi Girls
Okay I like Kirstie Alley and all but you are WAY prettier. I could definitely see her in a hat like that though!
Did you know that you lost TWO Sukis? Way to go - but don't go too far, girl! Stay away from those Hollywood diets!
Way to go Randi!!! Sam says that your super cute!!!
nice hat...
btw, happy dieting 2 u
Randi you sexy one you! You have quite the secret there on losing weight. Good job! I have been truly doggie-blessed. Luckily, the vet said I could put on a pound or two, and over the last 7 years I did and have been holding ever since. Dad says its because I would rather be with him instead of eating. Silly goose. I love to eat, especially when someone else is around - like Mati! Good job again! Love Rocky
Hellooo Randi. Congratulations on losing the 18 pounds. You should celebrate!! :D That hat looks good on you. ;)
Congwatulations! that's a pawsome achievement..the boys will be lining up to get neaw that cute bum of out!
I think you'we much pwettier than Kiwstie Alley..they should give youa contwact.
I'm twying to huwwy up my haiw, so i get fuzzy again..I like it lots better
smoochie kisses
OMD are a spokesmodel!!! Congratulations! That is great news!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hello Randi.
I can't wink back. I don't know how to wink. You will have to teach me.
I like slim girldogs. I think you are ultra-beautiful now. And I am very proud that you are a spokesdoggy and a superdogmodel.
(Although I hope I don't have to start being fashion-conscious to keep up with you..)
Pippa xx
Congrats on the weight loss, although I don't see why you needed to do that.
Please, just don't start making those annoying commercials like Kirstie Allie. Promise!
Goober love,
Pee Ess
You owe us a fab booty shot to prove there is truth in advertising!
Wow, that's some weight loss Randi, well done to you (and to mum as I'm sure she didn't enjoy being strict with your diet).
Katy xxx
You lost 18 pounds? Not bad missy...But I'm sure you still have a looong way to go right? My weight usually goes up & down, up & down like a roller coaster. Hehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
wow.. guess ur diet turns out great!.. can't wait to see ur pretty new figure!..
Oh yes.. i wanna join u guys in freak show.. hahaha.. guess i can do pretty good outward flip paw thing!..
Nice to meet you is it a loss in weight?
Food is not put on my blog of today though food is necessary.
It is regrettable.
However, the photograph of food is scheduled to be taken on the
Spend a happy weekend.
After that, my best regards in the future.
from loved ume tyan
Wow, 18 lbs? Humm.. some of your weight must have come to me, because I have gained 3 since end of June, ha roo!!!
Hey Randi, Tasha here. Congratulations on the big weight loss! I bet you feel much better without that extra weight to lug around. I have a slight weight issue, too. I am down about 10 pounds since last winter, though. Dad says to tell your mom it might be a hard season to be a Gopher football fan this year. Maybe harder than being a Vikings fan! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva
Hey Randi, that's a lot of pounds for a girl to lose. Congratulations! You do look very sleek and foxy.
Wow Randi! My mom wants to go on your diet. Me, well, I lucked out and have never had a weight issue. I think my mom is jealous of me, but you know how messed up those mother/dogter relationships can be.
Good for you, Randi! Barooooo!
We bet you have loads more energy to run and play and stuff.
Will you be doing runway work in Paris next spring, or are you going to stick to magazine work exclusively?
Pooches Smooches,
Eddie, Peaches, & Bella
Hi Randi
Stanny and I had nice smooth seas and got to the pawty just nly took us a couple of houws to get to Sing-a-Paw..and Mommi spwayed us with sunblock befowe we left, so we wewe fine
I'm so glad youw getting excited about my will be gweat to have you thewe..I can't wait to see youw outfit..sneep tight
smoochie kisses
Wow - you lost 18 pounds that's amazing!!
You are doing a great job and I hope you're feeling great because of it.
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