Hi everypup...Mr. Froggy turned out not to be such a good temp after all...he was fired early on...so my most sincere apologies for my lack of traffic to your blogs & info on mine. My mom/secretary flew back to MN cuz my grandpa wasn't doing too well...Unfortunately he passed a week ago while she was visiting. So my dad had to fly out to MN too & I had to pack my suitcase & stay at Winston's house. I'm quite certain that Papa Chuck (my grandpa) stopped by to play with Dublin at the Bridge...He was with my mom & dad when they adopted Dublin & brought him home...So I can just see the two of them playing catch & fetch by the Bridge...
Love & Licks,
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
Very sorry to hear about your grandpa. Lots of Wally smoocheroonies to you and your family.
I am so sorry to know about your grandpa. Please give your mom and dad lots of kisses and hugs from us.
send my best regards to ur grandpa
Hey Randi, That's really sad news. I'm glad Dublin has an old pal with him. I'm also really happy to see you back. Too bad Mr. Froggy didn't work out. I guess long fingers are just not enough to get the job done.
Randi Girl,
Sorry to hear about your papa Chuck. I'm sending plenty of goober smooches to you and your mama! Run free, papa Chuck!!
Goober love,
Oh Randi, I'm sooo very sorry to hear about your grandpa. This is one sad week for you...I'm sending your hoomans & you some Golden love.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
oh poor Randi! Give your Mama extra hugs and love from us here in Scotland. Such a shame about your Grandpa.
I am sure he is looking after Dublin at the Bridge.
Take care, and condolences.
love and very sad licks, Marv xxxxx
Hi Randi,
I'm so sorry to hear about Papa Chuck. You'll need to give your Mom a big sloppy kiss to make her feel better.
Wooo Randi,
We are very sorry to hear about your mom's dad. Please give your mom some kisses from Tia and myself.
We are so sorry to hear about your grandpa - hugs to all of you especially your mum.
We are so sorry to hear about your grandpa - hugs to all of you especially your mum.
Randi -
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa. Give your mom lots of cuddles and kisses. I'm sending your family my pug hugs.
Suki Sumo
Oh Randi..sorry to hear bout u grandpa.. my hugs n kisses to u n ur family..
we are very sorry to hear about your grandpa and we are sending lots of love and licks to your family.
Sorry about Papa Chuck. I hope he is playing with Dublin and very happy.
Were so sorry to hear about Grandpa, our condolences ......
Times like this I always remember the poem "The Rainbow Bridge"
Gus & Louie
Hi Randi,
Thanks for the nice words on my blog. It has been a sad week all around, eh? Take care, buddy.
Randi...Oh, Randi, give your hooomans some terrier kisses and hugs and keep some scritchies for yourself!!! So sorry to hear the sad news.
Comforting barks,
Scruffy and Lacie
Oh Randi I'm so sorry I missed your post - mistress has been toing and froing again.
It's nice to think that Dublin and your grandpa will meet up though, isn't it.
Love Pippa xx
Oh Randi...I'm way behind in my posts. I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa...thinking good thoughts for your family.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
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