Friday, April 18, 2008


Please excuse the inappropriate photo...I'm only trying to show how well I can multi-task... Here I am watering the pretty flowers while still continuing to add resistance training (leash in my mouth) on a walkie...I tag EVERYONE to show me a pic of them multi-tasking on their bloggy...

Love & Licks,


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Ooo, that's a great challenge Randi, but I'm a boy dog and you know that us men can't multi-task! J X

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hehehe, J1 says that J2 can't multi task either.
J1 bought the fish eye camera over the internet from the Lomography website:

It's great fun! Jx

Ferndoggle said...

Great challenge! I only tend to do one thing at a time but the girls probably would be up for it!


Cassidy said...

Erm,does it have to be part pee pee multitasking?

Cassidy x

Dandy Duke said...

What a great challenge, Randi! We'll start thinking on this one for sure!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Jen and Suki said...

Randi! There is a chance that mom and dad and I might be moving to Sandy-Eggo! It's small, but dad's job may be there in the fall. Let's hope so because a) I want to be your tiny pal in real life and b) we just can't take any more snow EVAR again!

PS Sweet multi-tasking. I am so bad at that.

Sophie Brador said...

I multitask all the time. Once, I even worked my tennis ball while watering the grass and keeping a boxer from humping me. But I don't have a photo.


Peanut said...

hmm I don't know that I ever multi task. I will have to think about this one.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Randi!
I love that picture of you!
You are good with that multi-tasking thing! I don't think I can do something like that!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

oh dear, I cannot show this tag to Tanner, I have no idea what he would come up with!

Amber-Mae said...

You do it well, Randi! Hey, can do that too! I alwasy pee or poo with the leash or sometimes my tennis ball in my mouth. I also sometimes walk my sistas, hee!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Mack said...

You are AWESOME!

Daisy said...

Good multi-tasking, Randi! I am very impressed.

Moco said...

You are truly an amazing girl. I think multi-tasking is more for the younger generation.

the many Bs said...

hmmm... we're gonna give that some thought. we're sure we can multi-task. it comes so naturally to us that we just can't think of something right now. we'll get back to you on that.


Pippa said...

I'm not even going to try that. Multi-tasking I mean.
But I always knew you were so very clever.
Pippa xx

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Randi Sue! Are you becomming the Chuck Norris of DWB?

Stanley said...

I multi-task every day when I take my first wee of the day. I go pick up my flamingo (I flamingo-sit for my girl. She's concerned he'll get into trouble on his own) and then I take him with me while I wee. I'll try to post a photo.

You're very talented, by the way.

Goob love,