Happy Randay Everybody! Today I'm gonna pass along the I LOVE YOUR BLOG award that Mango & his little labradude bro Dexter gave me in my last post...I know this has been going around for a bit now & many of you already have it, so I'm gonna feature a little cutie-pie that's new to Dogs With Blogs...she's a wee baby girl...only 2 1/2 months old!
Meet Sadie the Black Lab Puppy everyone! Sadie is quite the little diva in training already...she rocks her little pink collar like no one can...(well, kinda like I CAN!) & her black fur furs remind me of someone a little more mature...(ME!) Its always nice to see ourselves in our youth...maybe I'll mentor her...so she doesn't fall into the same horrible mistakes like Britney Spears or Lindsey Lohan's little sisters...
Only one problem...I'm a bit worried that Little Dexter Labradude will take one look at Sadie & forget about his crush he has me & fall in puppy love with little Sadie...
On this Randay, I'm thankful for new DWB friends...
Love & Licks,
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
Hi, Randi!
I hope you had a Happy Randay too!
Sadie sure is cute!
Kisses and hugs
Awww Sadie is adorable!
Sadie is a cutie for sure! We can't imagine that Dexter would toss you over for Sadie though, Randi! You're more mature and experienced!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Randi - How could you think I would ever leave you for a baby? I am a big mature guy (master even mentioned this morning that my voice is getting deeper) who lifts his leg and all.
Oh, more new DWB friends! I can't to meet little Sadie. Oh she's sooo cute & the rest too! I think Dexter will be in love with you both. You two can share a boyfriend right?
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
P/S: Check out the new post in our blog. Chloe is our HERO!
Happy Randay! I wouldn't trade my Roxy for some young version of her! Please, Dexter doesn't want a girl he wants a woman!!!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Randi, we mature dogs know that you only get better with age! So while Sadie IS cute you have sexy sophistication!
wally t.
Woof, thanks for pimping me out Randi!!! :) Mommy says you are a girly that I can learn from! Keep the tail wagging!!
Ohhhh and woof all you other bloggers.. I'll do my best to stop by and bark at ya.. mommy is a slacker when it comes to the pc sometimes!
joey said because it is MY birthday I can do the comments today!
As long as you are not married you can have a couple of GIRLFRIENDS, I think?! THe rules are SO CONFUSERING!!!
Hi Randi! Come visit our site and pick up your prize!
Jack and Abby
Sadie is cewtainly a cutie, but how could anyone compete wif you..Ithink you'we mawvelous!
smoochie kisses
sadie is really cute.
Randi, she could never eclipse you! (Although she is pretty cute...!)
Brown dog kisses,
Are you going to teach Sadie how to do doga?
No one could ever forget you, Randi! Your personality and your doga moves are too great to be forgotten!
Randi, You get all the boys! That's why you simply have to mentor the wee one. I'm mentoring Stanley's sissy Stella, but so far, she's not proving herself to be a very good labracross. She is, mind you, an excellent diva.
Randi Girl!
You will be an excellent mentor for Ms. Sadie! We'll go by to say hey and make sure nodog is trying to lead her astray!
Don't worry about the LabraDude. He'll probably be crushing on you for the rest of his life!
Goober love,
Aw, Sadie does indeed look like a real cutie pie!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Hi Randi!! I trust this post finds you doing well... Anyway, how do I get the "I love your blog" award on my page so I can give it to someone else? Mommy is clueless!
Hiya Randi
She is cute. But no cuter than you.
I will go and say hello though.
Pippa xx
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