Sunday, January 18, 2009


Happy Randay Everybody! First off...I'd like to dedicate this Randay to POOKA - aka Pooka Casanewfa...who's testing for his therapy doggy certificate today! Good Luck Pooka! You can do it! So I started drooling again on Wednesday & my mom/secretary took me to the vet...nothing wrong with my teethies...or my temperature... & they stole some of my blood & my inner poopies which is so not cool - but all those tests came back normal...the vetties think if could be a few things - like from my skin antibiotics making my tummy upset & causing nausa...or a ulcer somewhere or something from with my I have to take antacids 2x a day...& hopefully that will help...but I just started drooling again a bit tonight after I ate...
Its been a pretty low-key Randay...just lots of snoozing on my outdoor beds & some ball throwing...& tonight I was able to play ball under a very pretty sunset!
Look at my alien eyes!
Do you see me spying on the neighbors? My bro Dublin used to do that all the time at night..he was such a voyeur!
Crazy alien eyes again!
On this Randay, I'm thankful for my mom/secretary/nursing assistant who wipes the droolies off of my snouter & still give me kisses & tummy rubs even when I've left lots of puddles of drool on the carpet.
Love & Licks,


onecoatsam said...

Hi Randi --

We sure hope you are feeling better! Sometimes when we get upset tummies, Dad puts yogurt with live cultures in our food -- it doesn't taste the greatest but it works.

Best wishes,

Satchie & Andrew

Asta said...

Hi Randy
I've been vewy wemiss in visiting..I apologize..Youw sky looks bootiful, and youw outdoow bed vewy comfy..what's this about dwooling..poww sweet Randi..I hope the dogtow figoowes it out and helps you get bettew soon
smoochie kisses

chelsea + apple said...

Your's view is amazing!!!

get better soon!!

<3 Apple

Dandy Duke said...

We hope the antacids help you out, Randi! Our paws are crossed!
What a beautiful sunset!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Allison Walton said...

Hope woo feel bettur soon, Randi!

Gus and Waldo

Clay's Mommy said...

Hi Randi! We hope you stop drooling soon! That doesn't sound like any fun! That sure was a pretty sunset!

The J.A.Z. Pack!
Jack, Abby and Zeva!

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi Randi. Sorry you're not feeling well.

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Beautiful sunset.. Sure glad you got to play some ball.
We don't think that little pup has a license. He sure likes to drive that thing though..

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Peanut said...

Oh we hope the drooling stops and you start feeling better. That was a very pretty sunset.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Randi!
I hope you had a happy Randay!
Are you feeling better? I hope so!
Kisses and hugs

Sophie Brador said...

Randi, I'm a bit upset to hear you're still drooly and that they stole your inner poops, but I'm quite relieved to hear that all those tests came by okay. Maybe you are just trying to emulate the brother of your pup, to feel more connected with Dex.

By the way, I was kind of thinking I could maybe make Ernest my pup. He's not technically a puppy anymore, but he sure is cute. Of course, I am open to having more than one pup.


Moco said...

What's a little drool between friends?

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh poor Randi, still drooling, I am so sorry to hear this, but hope the V>E>T can make you better soon.

Called by to wish you and your family all the best on this Momentous Day for your Nation!

lotsaluv, Marvin and Family xxxxxxx

ps your garden looks so cool!and I love your alien eyes, I get them sometimes!!!!!!

Dexter said...

Randi, my love, of course you can show the picture of my labrabutt on your bloggy. After all, I learned everything I know about doga from watching you.

We are so much alike. I like to spy on the neighbors too. I didn't almost recognize you, though, with those alien google eyes.

Hope you are feeling better soon. I worry about you.

Your Little Cub

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Awww, Randi. Hope you're feeling better now pal. J x

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Dad and Toph love those old trucks too.. Mom as never seen the movie but Toph has. He is just a big 24 year old kid...

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Stanley said...

Sweet Randi Girl!

You are a bootiful ebony contrast to that gorgeous sunset, even if you were voyerizing the neighbors. And, hey. You can drool all you want in GooberStan... if you want to.

If the drool is bothering you, I hope they figure out the dealio PRONTO!

Goober love & smooches,

Hey, I just found out that the Casanewfa passed! WooHOo!

Life With Dogs said...

What beautiful sunsets you have to look at. You are a lucky pooch!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We aren't sure if she has feelings. She is such a pest.. Mom says she is an instigator what ever that means..

Gig Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Clover said...

Happy Randay! I love that picture of you spying on your neighbours. I hope you are feeling better soon. And happy SUPER belated birthday!!
Love Clover xo

Mack said...

Aren't moms great??

What were your neighbors up to?

wally said...


I would mop the drool up for you. I'm so worried for my Randi and I hope you are feeling ok. When we have upset tums we sometimes get something by Honest Kitchen called Perfect Form. It seems to help. My sissy gets it the most because her bum is the most gross.

And that was a most lovely sunset, mostly because of the lovely lady standing in front of it!

wally t.

Joe Stains said...

Happy Randay and what a GORGEOUS sunset!!!