Sunday, March 8, 2009


HAPPY RANDAY EVERYBODY! Its been a very relaxing Randay here at my doggie-house...Lots of bellyrubs, sun tanning & treasure hunting under the furniture...& I can say that my mom/secretary is quite horrible at cleaning up all the dust bunnies...I tell her all the time, I like STUFFED BUNNIES...not DUST BUNNIES! Do you see what I see under the chair?
If I was only a *little* smaller, I could totally crawl underneath & get that bone...

Look that these filthy floors! How can a diva such as I live in such SQUALOR? I finally made my mom/secretary crawl on her belly & get that bone for me...its the least I can do...she was wearing a black sweatshirt (of course,she must match my daily attire) & the dust bunnies turned her gray!
& lookie what I had for dinner tonight! STEAK!!!! I didn't get to sample any of the yummer cornbread, but thats OK...I had steak & chicken! As long as the floors are dirty, but my belly is full of meatables, I'll tolerate these conditions...
On this Randay, I'm thankful for all of our DWB friends who are keeping Lulu & Bogart in their thoughts & prayers & wishing them comfort & sending them healing've both been in our thoughts all week...
Love & Licks,


Lorenza said...

Hi, Randi!
Happy Randay! Glad you had a pawesome day!
Sure it was great that your Mom "recovered" that treat for you!
Steak and chicken?? Yummy!
My mom is drooling looking at the cornbread!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs

Princess Eva and Brice said...

What a great day- steak makes any day great.

We have found some dust bunnies that are big enough that we named them.

Princess Eva

Dandy Duke said...

Mitch would have made it known in no uncertain terms that his stuffed bone was missing! We LOVE stuffed bones!
Our mom doesn't get housekeeper-of- the-year either, Randi! She says housework is totally un-creative!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

If there is one thing my RH brother is good for its moving furniture. He is always pushing things around.

Our underchairs look the same as yours. What lazy peoples we live with.

I liked playing with that little puppy, but don't worry, I am still your little cub.


Amber-Mae said...

I don't think your floor looks all that dusty to me. Oh yum! Look at all those food! At this stage, I could eat ALL of that within 1 minute & can go one for more!

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said...

I think I would totally twade dust bunnies fow some steak!!!
That sounds like a vewy good Randay!!!
WE awe holding Lulu and Bogie close to ouw heawts to twy to ease theiw pain
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

You should have got some of that steak to celebrate Randay AND Joeypalooza!!!

Moco said...

As long as you get fed who care where the bunnies dust.

Allison Walton said...

Randay, yur howse wooks wike arrs. Dat jus meens dat yur mommee iz too bizzy making woo da yummy foodables instead of cleening. Isn't dat okay wif woo? It be okay wif us!!

And da Noofees dat yur mommee got to meet arr just beewootiful!

Gus and Waldo

Beanz said...

Oooh I love it when you find a bone eyou had forgotten about.

wally said...

ZOMD! That looks like a pawsome dinner! My ma ape thinks that cornbread looks taaaaaaasty. I would forgive the dust bunnies if they brought steaks.

wally t.

ps. My ma ape was going to say that the BEST thing about our color scheme is that she wears a lot of black so she can carry some of our fur around with her all the time and no one notices until she leaves in a cloud of black fluff.

Stanley said...

Sweet Randi Girl!

You seem to always enjoy your Randays, and I totally understand why. YOU, my friend, are a princess who has secret powers over you mama/secretary. I'm surprised you didn't end up with that whole steak and all the chicken. You deserve it.

We love, you, girlie! Hope you've been having yourself a great week!

Goober love & smooches,

Unknown said...

Hi Randi,

Happy Belated Randay! You look like you had a great time - STEAK!! I've never tasted steak in my lucky pup!

Honey the Great Dane

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Happy Randay!

You haven't posted this week, but thought I would get in first!

Hope all well with you, lotsaluv, Marvin and Jeannie xxxxxxxxxx

wally said...

Happy Randay! I hope you had another delicious Sunday.

wally t.

the Corgi Girls said...

Heck with the bone, go for the STEAK!


Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Wow, what a spread! Why don't you just slide the chair over to get your bone? You have to wait forever for your mom to get it.

Dexter said...

I was so tired after obedience school. They made me work on my attention again which is really hard for an active guy like me.

We are having trouble getting momma to keep up with our friends, too, so I understand.
