Monday, March 22, 2010

The Five Stages of Grief - (its not a Monkey Stick...) by Randi

DENIAL..................The monkey stick was supposed to stay in the cage.
ANGER................ The Monkey Stick moves too much.
BARGAINING...Here, Monkey Stick...take this bone, I mean, this banana.
DEPRESSION....I'm going to sleep on MY cot under MY sun FOREVER.

ACCEPTANCE....I can't help it...He's on my footie.

Love & Licks,

Pss...a word from MY mom/secretary: Sorry everyone its been a busy couple weeks...Randi's new little brother Kenney (his puppy name - still not sure on what we are calling him) is home & its taken a week..but Randi initiated the first game of bitey face yesterday & they have been playing off & on (with Randi's permission, of course) since then. He's a 4 month old, 55lb explosion of black fuzz. Very laid back & quite a funny little guy - very clumsy! Hoping to get more pics up soon...


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hey Randi -

The Monkey Stikhk is furry khute -

I bet woo khan have him take the blame fur lots of stuff fur a while!

Best of lukhk!


Moose said...

OMD! Adorable. Sorry for your loss of the 'only child' status but he does look kinda fun! How about Monkey Stick for a name. Whatever the humans end up calling him I know he will always be monkey stick to you!
p.s. from Moose: Khyra is right! Think of all the mischief that you can blame on the puppy monkey stick! Back when TeddyNo was here I did that all the time!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Randi!
Your "little" brother is adorable!
I know you two are going to have a pawesome time together!
Kisses and hugs

brooke said...

sorry randi but the monkey stick is kinda cute... hes a big ball of fluff!
I think once you get used to him being around you'll love all the mischief you two can get in together!
Hope his name gets figured out soon though I think he makes a great monkey stick!

Duke said...

Monkey Stick is just adorable, Randi! No more quiet peaceful days for you! You're going to be play, play, playin'! You're going to love your new brother!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Well Miss Randi, I can certainly relate. When PeeWee first came I thought he was cute, but when he decided to stay I got pretty mad at him and tried to convince him to leave. When that didn't work I finally figured out that he could stay as long as he remembered that I was here first.

At least you will never be cold again with that giant lump of fur to snuggle. Plus he won't move too much once he gets older and the hot weather will really slow him down.


Daisy said...

Even though this Monkey Stick is not the one you were hoping for, he is awfully cute!

Peppy Sheppys said...

RANDI! That is the same EW GROSS BRUDDER face I MAKE! Listen carefully--it is IMPORTANT to make that face as much as possible to your faulty fuzzy monkey stick until they return him to the factory where they clearly messed him up. I make those faces daily at my brudders.

Ethel Jean

ps. Our ape thinks your new brudder is mighty cute but she says you've still got that sophisticated beauty that made Wally swoon.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Randi...I have to say the monkey stick is cute...but YOU, you girlfriend are bootiful! He's kinda barkward now, but once he gets a little older he will learn to adore you just like the rest of use. And just remember, you were there first and girls RULE - and you can tell the M.S. definitely will drool.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Fred said...

He is a QT Pie!

The Brat Pack said...

He's SUCH a cutie. You can send him here if you want.

Dot :)

Kari in Alaska said...

we need a video of the clumsy guy

Dog By Nature said...

Hi got a little bro?! Wow, we gotta get online more often. You 2 re adorable together and we're sure you will teach him the ropes (and the stuffies:)

Sophie Brador said...

Does he have a name yet?


Tito said...

Hi Randi - you're so lucky to have a little brother. Just think of all the things you can blame on him! LOL.
Have fun!

MurphyDog said...

Dear Randi,

I totally heart you, so I have sumthing for you at my bloggie.

wags, wiggles & slobbers

pee ess. Mom wants to see more pictures of Kenney. :)