I've got weather to report here...ITS RAINING! I don't remember the last time I've been drenched trying to go piddle outside...
I haven't even been out for my morning walk yet...& its already afternoon! I'm trying to get my mom to play ball with me outside in the rain...Here I am telling her she won't get that wet, that look! Its starting to just sprinkle...
I gave her my very best puppy dog sad lonely eyes...but she is a wimp...A little rain never hurt anyone...
Now I'm ignoring her. If you don't make eye contact with them once they've done something you don't approve of, they'll learn to obey...
Anybody else want to play with my tennis balls in the rain? Anyone?
Love & Licks,
ps...as you may have noticed, my cute nose picture is no longer on the header under Randi the Lab/Newf....suddenly yesterday it just disappeared...my mom/secretary sent a note off to Blogger Help....anyone have any ideas why it suddenly would disappear?
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
I see your header nose, Randi! Did it miraculously reappear? That's blogger for ya!
I wouldn't play ball in the rain with you because I'm a princess and I don't like getting wet but Mitch is waving his paw! He'll play!
Love ya lots,
Oh I'll come play with you in the rain. Flash will also. We see your nose picture. We got your card the other day also.
Randi, You look positively svelte! I would play with you in the rain. I don't particularly like rain, but I love tennis balls, so there you have it.
I got your card today!!!!!!!!!! Thanks sista! My mom's a little behind with the organizing of mine. Hopefully she'll get them out sometime before Easter. (oooh, I just got a dirty look for that comment.)
p.s. your big nose is back!!! Pop by my place to see mine if you have a chance.
Blogger STOLE ur nose??? So glad it's back, Dude...I mean, how did you sniff or anything????
Blogger does some weird stuff somedays...like the spacing before the comment section on a post can be huge.
We got your card!!!!!!!!! Our printer's broken, but Big Bruvver just fixed it, so we can print out the addresses....now we need a picture!
Did u have fun in the rain? It's gonna be snow here soon!!
wiry barks, Scruffy
Hi, Randi
I'd love to go and play with you! I like rain but my mom hates it!
Glad your very nice picture is back!
Have a good night
I see your nose! It is raining here too in Arizona of all places. Mom said it might be raining still tomorrow too!
Hi Randi! We can see your adorable nose picture. It must not have run very far!
Abby-I would love to play ball with you, rain or shine!
Jack-You should thank your lucky stars. The weather man is predicting snow for us this weekend. How would you like to freeze your paws off trying to play ball in the snow? No fun!
Hi Raindi! haha, get it? Rain? tee-hee. We got your card today and let me say you are so pretty you outshine your Christmas tree :)
Love your nose and thank you so very much for your card!
Well, I think becoz Blogger has got some problem! Randi, you look so sad in the last picture. I would LOVE to play tennis ball with you in the rain. I love tennis balls & I love the rain! Let's play!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I can't see your nose.
That last photo is braking my heart, you look so very sad. I'll keep paws crossed that the rain stops soon.
Toodle pip,
Harry x
How could your Mom resist that puppy dog face? But we really do understand your Mom, we don't like getting wet either. we will barely run out into the yard and pee as fast as we can to get back in the house in a hurry when it is raining. And if it's pouring forget it, we refuse to get off the porch.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
I see the header nose, too! I hope it stops raining soon so you can have some outdoor fun.
Hi Randi, we're sorry about the rain. it rains a lot where we live. our mom bought a special rain coat to wear so she can take us to the dog park when it's raining. but she won't go when it's pouring down. she's a wimp too. but we'll come over and play ball with you in the rain! a little rain doesn't bother us at all. not even a lot of rain! let's play ball!
we don't know what happened to your picture. that's sad. we miss your big nose face.
and also, we got your christmas card yesterday. you are very sleek and beautiful in that picture. it really accentuates your pretty white paws. thank you! (our card to you is in the mail)
Hi Randi! I just got your card. You look very handsome and regal next to that Christmas tree!
Don't worry, I see your header now. And don't worry about a little rain, soon it'll be sunny again. We've got yukky snow and ice here today.
WOOO Randi.. we got your card the other day and it is pawesome!!! You look sooo bewootiful by the tree!
Hey Randi - you should come live with me - HM will still take me out in the rain - she doesn't care about it at all!!
Hi ya Randi thank you fur our Christmas card oh you look like family! so purdy & what we call a black beauty. our mommy is still working on our cards but i know you'll get it before Christmas. we wanna come play in the rain with tennis balls or at least I Crikit does. We saw your pic disappeared but we have visited you before when we saw how purdy & family like you are. maybe we forgot to comment? but nice to know you now!
Lots of Love Licks & TX waggin tails barking loud!
Randi Girl!
I can't see your nose yet, even if other pups could. (Did blogger steal it again? What are they doing with it?)
Nose notwithstanding, I'd TOTALLY play ball in the rain with you. I'malloverplayingintherainaction!
Too bad you live so far away.
Goober love & smooches,
Pee ess
Got your card yesterday! Woohoo! My girl sounds like Sophie's mom... she's a little behind. (Not to say that her behind is little... NO WAY).
Hi Randi! It's good to meet you. I'll stay inside with your mom, and my sister Dakota would love to play ball in the rain with you. I liked your card - I got it today, but Dakota is obsessed with it. The moms had to put it higher on the wall to keep her from stealing it. It must be a lab thing (she's a lab/golden).
Hey Randi, I can see your nose picture. Blogger is very naughty sometimes. Thanks for visiting my blog; would love to link up. I got my Xmas card from you yesterday, thanks pal, it's pawsome! J x
Humans can be such wimps sometimes. We would come play ball with you anytime! We have a mallard duck stuffie just like yours! Tasha loves that thing. We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday. We would love to send you some, but we don't think it would be in the same condition when it got to you. You'll just have to come for a visit! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Randi, I will play ball with you. I love to chase that think weather it is raining or not. Funny just now Louie and I went out and that crazy pup came back with my ball. Mom threw it for him and he actually brought it back funny though he doesn't know how this new trick works. "Louie you have to give Mom back the ball if you want to chase it again" ....Gus
Hi Randi,
I got your x-mas card, mommy just has to buy stamps and then she'll send ours out.
If I was there I'd play ball with you.
Frenchie Snorts
Playing in the rain is way cool. When you live in Oregon you play in the rain a lot or you don't get to go out and play. Someone is missing out on a good time.
Peanut and Flash's Grammie
Hey! Your storm is HERE today but we're getting it in the form of sleet--gross! I hate rain and I hate ice and who had the bright idea of combining them?
I hope the sun came out for RANDAY!
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