Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Stuff to Share...

Xsara, the agility beagle in Slovenia, awarded me the BE THE BLOG award while I was away for Turkeyday- Thanks Xsara! She says: "this award is presented to a successful blogger, one who can “be the blog” - making it their own, staying with it, interacting with the readers, and just plain having fun"...I know this has gone around a few times I'd like to pass it along to every other pup!

Also Eddie, Peaches & Bella tagged me to play TAG 7 : Rules for Tag 7: * Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog* Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself* Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs...
* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I only like water that is puddle-deep...
2. I will only eat baby carrots if they are cut very small - I won't accept a whole becomes a flying projectile launched from my mouth...
3. I have a weekly celebration on Sunday's named after me: RANDAY - a day when I get to do whatever I want...mark your calendars cuz you all get to celebrate with me...
4. I am a Daddy's girl... and know to go to my dad when I want more mom is stingy..
5. I use my dad's legs as a pillow in bed at night & he doesn't dare move...he's so whipped!
6. I like kitties, but I've never been able to formally greet one - they remain very exotic to me...
7. My mom calls me Putzy Pants cuz I'm kinda a putz on walks sometimes & Randa-Panda...I guess it has to do with my black & white ensemble I wear everyday...
Now I tag Amber, Army of Four, Asta, Bernard, Boo Casanova, Bosco & Dory the Labradory - no worries if you've already been tagged.
Love & Licks,


Ferndoggle said...

Congrats totally deserve it! I use my Dad's legs as a pillow too. If he moves, I groan and wake him up.


Peanut said...

I use my mom's legs as a pillow since dad will kick me to get him off while mom just lets me lay there.

Cairo The Boxer said...

Thank you for the wonderful card!!! You look so cute! Happy Holidays!!!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

We received your bewoootiful card today. The Momma has already put it on the big white box.

Belly Rubs,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Randi
Congratulations! You deserve this award!
I don't like to use my mom legs as a pillow because she moves them so much!
You are so lucky having your Randay!
Have a good night

Cairo The Boxer said...

Yeah, we do have lots in common. As for the boy name...I guess my parents liked the name and every time they said "Cairo" I responded. What is the story behind your name?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the award Randi - we love your blog so much!!


Cassidy said...

Hi hi Randi, me likes chewing big carrots, yummy!

Me loves my daddy too.

Cassidy x

Daisy said...

Randi, that is a cute smile you are making for the camera!

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Randi, thanks for tagging me. I will try to get on it as soon as possible. Oh, I like puddle deep water too & I only eat carrots when they are cut small. I also like kitties but they don't like me. I got two kitties living in MY house. I could mail them to you so that you can have fun with them allllll day! We don't need them anymore, kekekeke! Btw, they both are disabled kitties so they can't run far.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Katherine and Pippa said...

I love you and your blog. But are you a teensy bit spoilt? Carrots are fine things, especially in curry, or on toast. And catz are for chasing.

Also you need to learn to manipulate your mom so she is not stingy.

I can see I need to take you in paw. And thanks for telling me I was your first boyfriend. I will always save a special place in my heart for you.

Pippa xx

Frasier said...

How did you whip your dady ?I need tricks !I always thought that they were hard to train!

Duke said...

We got your Christmas card in today's mail, Randi!
Thank you so much! We love your card! It's just beautiful!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Charlie said...

He he... I like that flying projectile idea. If I can just remember to not crunch down & swallow...

Thanks for the great holiday card!
- Charlie

wally said...

Hey Randay--


That's for the award! (And also a little award for me.)


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

belated congrats Randi!

Jessica said...

Hi Randi...We haven't met before so we wanted to stop by and say Hi. We got your Christmas card/photo today. You did an awesome job of posing for your card. You are so handsome!

Nice to meet you.
Love, Seadra and Zoe

thimbles bobbins paper and ink said...

Congrats Randi! We love your blog!

Woofs and slobbers from,
'Bella and Gabe

Jessica said...

Oops...Sorry Randi...of course you are a girl because you are beautiful!! If we would have read you bio we would have known.

Looking forward to getting to know you better.
Love, Seadra and Zoe

L said...

Congrats on the award, Randi.
We got your card in the mail today. You look so cute in front of your Christmas tree. We are still trying to get our girl to put our tree up.
Comet and BLU

Joe Stains said...

We LOVE to launch carrots, that is a lot of fun! it was cool learning new stuff about you!!

the many Bs said...

Hi Randy, we like your pillow idea. Baxter does the same thing, when he's not using mom's head pillow. humans make good pillows.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

i can't use my owner's leg as pillow...coz she's too bony

Bama said...

Howroo Randi-grrrl,
We just stopped by to say hi, and thank you for the beewootiful card. Woo look gorgeous in front of your tree. We should be getting ours ready to go out this weekend, and in the mail on Monday, so keep your eyes open for it.
Congratulations on the award, you deserve it, you are obviously very popular!
Happy Holidays, & manykisses,
Bama & the River Hill Pack

Spencer said...

Nice tidbits about you Randi! Congrats on the award too!

FleasGang said...

We got your Christmas card yesterday, Randi and you ARE handsome. We're still making a few finishing touches on ours and then we'll send you one :-)

The FleasGang

Stanley said...

Randa Panda Girl!!

You completely deserve that award, sista! (Is the Panda reference only because of your coloring, or are you really from the wilds of China?)

Thanks for all the facts about yourself. You're right too. Your dad is TOTALLY whipped.

My girl wants me to sleep with her, but I'm too much of a bed buffalo (I love to roam around in my sleep).

Goober love,