Happy Randay Everybody! I'm still barking up a storm with my previously exposed Paw-Lympic doping scandal - I've admitted what I've known...those pills I've been popping have been pawscribed by my vet...& yet...I cannot compete... & I'm singing the blues...
& taking out my frustration on my new green toy...Mr. Allie Gator...
On this Randay, I'm thankful for the support of my peoples & my DWB pals who have stood by me in this unfortunate Paw-Lympic event...
Love & Licks,
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
Happy Randay! Aww I'm so sorry about the pawlimpics!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi, Randi!
Happy Randay!
Glad you have Mr. Allie Gator to make you feel better. And don't forget that were are here for you!
Kisses and hugs
RAndi! You have to join us Chillaxers. Stanny and me decided to take to the bleachers with beers and seem to have started a whole movement, led by the one and only Wally T. Corgador. We're like the off off Broadway of the Pawlympics, and the best thing is, we don't care how many pills you pop.
Happy Randay!!!!
Oh poor Randi! I am sorry you got disqualified - you had some great potential entries there. Well I hope that your new toy helps.
Love Clover xo
I support you, Randi! And, by the way, you have a good singing voice.
Oh what happened? Was it an accident or something? I hope you're ok. Anyway, happy randay!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Maybe you should hiwe Scwuffy..he has his law degwee I heawd and he loves nothing mowe that a good fight...It's too unfaiw fow you
love and continooed suppowt
Aww Randi, that's okay. You can pawticipate in the next Pawlympics! Your little green stuffy looks like great fun.
Happy Randay!
xoxo :)
happy Randay. it's sad and we believe you, Randi. we know those are pills for medicinal purposes only.
BOL! Maybe we need a dopers Olympiad too?! I don't see why not!!!
M & I
So sorry they had to Ran on your pawrade.
This is not right! I would be pretty upset too, my humans were too lazy to even consider entering me!
At least your people entered you. My Momma allegedly "forgot".
Love the Alli Gator. Do you ever take him outside and lose him in the grass?
Princess Eva
It's okay, Randi! There's always next year!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Randay! You can still be in the chillaxympics, especially with your mad doga moves. Could you maybe teach my baby brudder some moves to become more zen?
wally t.
I've got the sound byte to go along with your pictures....it's even posted on my blog!!
I can hear you right through the pooter! Ow-ooooo!
Randi Girl!
I don't care if you're a doper or not! You're still my buddy and I'll stand by you (or lounge somewhere close by) no matter WHAT!
I'm just now catching up on all your news. Sorry I haven't been around for awhile, but it's so good to finally see your furry face again!
Can't wait to see what you've been doing, girl!
Goober love,
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