Hey Everybody! Its my First Year Blog-a-versary! It was one year ago today that I posted my first entry into the world of the doggie bloggy!~ Its been an eventful day so far...Here's what happened...
I lost a whisker! Lookie above! A funny, curly whisker! It must be a sign! & luckily my mom/secretary saved it & put it with the rest of my lost whiskers...Did you know that when we had to evacuate last October during the nasty wild fires, my lost whisker collection came along with me! They are priceless!
Then the fun ended....a stupid bath...with a stupid Wincompoop...Oh, before I forget, Wincompoop peed on this leash this morning on the walkie...Gross! What a little ninnie!
Then my mom/secretary presented me with a Blog-a-versary gift...What the...??!! We already have one of these stupid carpet suckers! This isn't a gift! Its a horrible prank! An upgraded DC17 Dyson Animal Sucker! What's wrong with the DC14 we already have? Geez....this is not right...
I'm so bummed right now...that picture says it all... My mom says we are gonna celebrate more this weekend & have an entire Randay Weekend Extravaganza...It better be off the hook, thats all I can say... Oh yeah...you all are invited on over for cake & punch & a game of pin the tail on Wincompoop...
I also want to take a moment to remember the horrible 35W Minneapolis Bridge collapse that also happened one year ago today...Our hearts & prayers are with all those in my mom/secretary's hometown...
Love & Licks,
Monday FunDay
1 day ago
Happy Blog-a-versary!! We wish you many, many more!
Bear (and the Brats)
It's been a year already?? I remember when you were new to DWB. Sorry about the Dyson. Momma has threatened to get one but we're switching to wood floors so I talked her out of it.
Princess Eva
happy Blogaversary. Sorry about the bath and the dyson. Those are not good blogaversary presents
I think that is an inappwopwiate gift..fow you..i look fowawd to the west of the celebwations..pin the tail on the Wincompoop????
I've nevew played that befowe..but I'm game
smoochie kisses
Congratulations! Happy blogoversary.
That doesn't look like a gift for you! This weekend better be a great party to make up for it.
Happy Blogaversary!
Oh, cool, a new Dyson! Is it yours? Do you get to use it?!
Play bows,
that is a TERRIBLE gift Randi, sorry :( a DYSON?!?! sheesh. (mom is jealous, whatever!)
Happy 1st Blog-a-versary Randi! Oh, I can't wait to play that game of pin a Wincompoop's tail!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Yay! Happy Blogaversary!! Too bad about that vaccuum... that isn't a great blogaversary gift. Maybe your real one is coming?
Love Clover xo
Happy blogaversary, Randi! Our mom wants a Dyson in the worst way! We don't and we hope she soon forgets this stoopid idea!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Randi!
Happy 1st Blg-a-versary! And many more to come!
I remember you told us about your whisker collection. Sure you have many more now!
You are right. That is not a good gift! I hope you got something better!
Kisses and hugs
Happy blogaversary! Why did your mom get a second dyson?
Happy blogoversary!! Wow, that new vaccuum looks awesome.
Congrads on your blog anniversary.. That is a great milestone.. We only have a shop-vac. No carpet here. That is a good thing since Mom is always sweeping up Louie hair. Well it is red and as you know I am blue!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Blog-aversery Randi! By the time you read this you will probably be full on partying on down for your celebrations. You secretary probably had a big suprise party ready for you and we are looking forward to hearing all about it.
Hey Randi,
Just stopping by and say hello! Happy Blog-a-versary!
My mommy got a DC17 too..and she uses it EVERY DAY! I hate that purple monster. Good luck!
Happy 1 year Blog-a-versary! Congratulations! You are such an amazing pooch with your earthquake detection system!
Hey Randy. Happy Blog-a-versary. That's definitely a reason to celebrate and NOT with a dog sucking monster! Hope you're enjoying your weekend.
Randiiiiiiii! One whole year. Woozers. Drag about the Dyson, but at least you go to laugh at Wincompoop.
hi Randi, happy blog-a-versary. it's too bad that it had to be commemorated with a new Dyson and a bath. well, hopefully your skin isn't as itchy as it was a few weeks ago. we are anxious to see your Randay extravaganza. we'll be there for cake and ice cream!
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