Happy Randay Everyone! Its been a lazy day for me...napping, eating, napping, eating, napping, tennis ball roundup & more napping....but I must show you this evidence of abuse that I suffered at the hands of my mother today...Here I am above, minding my own business...I look pretty skinny here I think...
Suddenly, I'm engulfed by glitterly, shiny gold stuff! What the #&%)?
Then came the red berry circle twigs....
I took care of that stuff...it will not longer be used in any type of torture or holiday decorating...
Once again, the gold stuff....So embarassing...Please call the ASCPA...or at least please call Santa Paws & tell him I've been extraordinarly good to put up with this type of nonesense. PLEASE!
On this Randay, I'm thankful I'm not prone to vicious attacks that draw blood on my peoples.
Love & Licks,