Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm Going on Vacation!

Uh Oh! I know what this means...It means my peoples are going away on a vacay & I'm going to the PET RESORT where there are NO CAGES, & just 24/7 PLAYTIME!!! WHOOOO!!!
My mom/secretary said I can chose one toy to bring along...I did some soul searching & decided on my trusty nylabone...I figured stuffies would probably succumb to SSS - (aka Shaken Stuffie Syndrome) & thus leave me toyless...But my nylabone is a faithful friend...& outlasts all others...
Ok, all packed - I'm ready to go! My peoples are going somewhere called Switzerland - the land of yummers my mom/secretary is very excited...I'll see all of you at the end of July!
Love & Licks,

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Happy Randay Everybody! I've been doing lots of relaxing, snoozing, sunbaking & PLAYING today! So much playing, in fact, that I seemed to have lost one of my dear toys!
Since I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE to play with, as you can tell in the above pic, I was quite determined to get my cherished toy that was hiding underneath this silly wooden block...I had to enlist the help of my mom/secretary who had to enlist the help of the fireplace tool thingamajigger that really only gets used to extract toys out from furnitures & stuff...
Oh thank dogness...I thought I lost this precious tennis ball furever!
Now I can play play play all day! Ok...for this next pic...take your little pups OUTTA the room...
Told you! Ok, this is a totally indecent shot of me...but it shows where my bad bad tumor was & the area that was shaved...kinda like a bikini wax! Just in time for summer!
On this Randay, I'm thankful that my stitches are out, my furfurs are growing back & I'm all ready for swimsuit season...
Love & Licks,
ps...I found something disturbing today...I'll show you all tomorrow!

Sunday, July 5, 2009


HAPPY RANDAY EVERYBODY!!! Since this was a holiday weekend - it was a DOUBLE RANDAY! Hope everyone had a great time! The above photo was taken last summer of me eating Wally Melon - so its a classic - its the pic I submitted for IKE's Summer Photo Contest...Unfortunately, I didn't win, but Snowball did! YEAH SNOWBALL!
Here is a piccy of me eating Frosty Paws...its from last week - but you can see how my stitches are still in my new circuit panel on my side...My mom/secretary still hasn't dumped new pics onto the ' hopefully I can get some new pics of my stitch-less body for you this week.

On this Randay, I'm thankful for the 4th of JULY & all the men & women who serve in our military & continue to ensure the independance of the great US of A!
Love & Licks,