Well, after a good bubble bath & a tummy full of bribery treats this afternoon, my mom/secretary just ordered 125 copies of my DWB Holiday Card online... Unfortunately, I was not given final approval of the photo chosen, so I'm going to show you my top five choices...My top choice was the amazing photo above...My tongue is pink & amazing...
My 2nd choice was this one...it portrays exactly how I felt after I ate about 183 treats in the span of about 15 minutes...BLEH!
#3 - What did you say? I'm blocking the view of the tree? Whatever...
#4 - I am going to title this one..."I am indifferent"....I am art..."
#5 - somehow I was inch-ing forward & inch-ing forward trying to get the treat outta my mom/secretary/photographer's hand & I pushed her over...I think we all agree that she deserved it...
Love & Licks,