For all you who guessed Big Bird from my last post...you are right! I wish this was going to be a fun post - giving you a play by play of how I've tortured Big Bird...but that will have to wait...you see, I've be sent to the horrible confines of my cousin Win-com-poops house...yet again, my peoples are leaving me for the weekend...they are going to a place called New or Leans...Now, I know that I am not new, cuz I'm 7 years old, but I am LEAN...so why the heck leave? Just call it Old or Leans & stay home with me!
So Happy Early Randay everypup & I'll catch you all next week.
Love & Licks,
What a cutie big bird is, Randy! Bummer that your hoomans left without you but at least you have Win-com-poops to keep you company!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Randi! You'll have fun bonding with Winston while the folks are away . Maybe you can share some more yummy Wallymelon together.
Happy that mom is feeling better!
xoxo :)
Have fun with the Win-com-poop!
WOW- how long will they be gone? When our mommy and daddy go away, we get to stay with a LOT of BIG DOGS like us and play and eat all day. We hardly miss them. Hope you have the same fun!
Sasha- The Princess!
Maybe you can torture Win-com-poop and not Big Bird. If you are good maybe you will get treats from the trip. Looking forward to the post about your encounter with Big Bird.
Hi, Randi!
We wish a happy and safe trip to your mom and dad!
Have fun with Win-com-poops!
Take care
Oh we hope your peoples have a brill time and that you have an ok time with Win-com-poop.
Mistress would like to go to New Or Leans, so she is hoping they might post some photos on your blog when they come back.
Pawsonally I would rather look at pictures of you.
Pippa xx
Hey Randi, hope you have a great weekend and that your parents have fun too. Maybe they'll bring you back a nice present. J x
Great bird Randi. So sorry they left you for the weekend. Did you have a chance to email me your address for the gift exchange? Love,Neko
OMdogness they are going to New Orleans which is just like 4 hours from me and didn't bring you to visit. Evil Evil Evil parents.
Old Or Leans! Hilarious!
You could come visit our house. We apparently take all comers (see my blog for details).
ps. I had my FIRST Wallymelon of the season last night. But without photographic evidence. So we need more!
Hey Randi, Sorry your peeps left you at Win-Com-Poops. Our friend's new dog Maggie does look a lot like you. I'll keep you posted on how things go. It's a family of dopplegangers over there. We may need to mentor those young ones in the ways of being sexy, sophisticated, independent women dogs.
The least they could do is schedule vacation around Randay. Doesn't seem right.
Don't worry Randi they will be back before you know it. Winston and you will have so much fun together...
Gus and Louie
oh Randi, we're sorry that you're stuck with Winston while your parents are off having fun. at least you have your big bird too, don't you? be strong and soon they will come back to you. they can't stay away from you too long.
I'm sorry you're home alone Randi. I hope you're having a happy Randay today! I spent the day napping, going to the park, and catching up on blogs!
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