Hey Everyone....sorry I've been a bit preoccupied all week...I was gonna have my mom/secretary post more about Naworlins & my neato package I received from
NEKO for the Int'l Goodie Exchange...but that will have to wait till this weekend....cuz I have some other news to tell...I went to the vet cuz my left back leggy was a bit sore & I was walking funny...Look at the pic above...a doggie thermometer...I had that damn thing poked up my bum on Wednesday...

The vet techs are masters of trickery...they tell you to look a the pretty pics on the wall to get your mind off of it...
oh look...doggies sitting on deck chairs on the beach...how nice...makes me want to be at the beach myself...DUH...OUCH! That was the moment the poker was poking me where the sun don't shine...

& then the took all my furs off & xrated me...& this what they found... Spondylosis - which is a condition in which bridges are formed along the ventral (bottom) parts of the vertebrae ...they aren't supposed to be fused together on the bottom like that...you can see one on the bottom in the middle of the pic & then the last three on the right side of the pic......a fancy smancy name for arthritis & I have multiple regions of it... “Spondylitis” pretty much means “an inflammation of the spine...

You really can't see the fused vertebre here...but I thought you'd all like to see a fantastic xray of my hippies...the vet said they look pawsome! No signs of hip dysplasia or anything like that...

Here I am just waking up from the sedative they gave me...my eyes are all red & droopy...

Sleeping the drugs off at home...zzzzzzzzzzzz...

Waking up to a freaking flash in my cute face...My eyes are still red & droopy...

I look kinda freaky here...drugs & me don't mix well...I prefer the highs I get from pizzle sticks or chasing kitties...but now I'm on Rimadyl for a trial period to see if it makes me feel better & gets my youthful kick back...I guess I'll never be able to fulfill my dream of trying out for the Rockettes...& becoming a prima ballerina like
Sophie is out...oh well...
Love & Licks,
ps...my mom/secretary/nurse would like any advice anyone would like to share about arthritis/spondylsis/rimydyl... & I would like any advice anyone has about keeping 2 human hands on my belly to be rubbed 24/7 at all times...
Hey Randi,
Sorry about woo back. I think Zim of the Army of Four has that S word. You may want to drop by their blog (if they don't stop by yours first) and either leave a comment and ask, or search it in their blog. I will try to look for ya too and see...
Here is the url for Zim's post on his back... He does have the S word.
Randi, I am sorry your back is hurty. I hope your medicines will help you feel better.
ps: Your skeleton is pretty.
Ha roo, Randi! Sorry to hear you've joined the spondylosis club. WOWZERS, does it hurt sometimes!
When I had my big, first flare up, I was put on Deracoxib (for inflammation) and Tramadol (for pain) and had to rest, rest, rest. I also started taking Cosequin DS. Eventually, I went off both the Deracoxib and Tramadol and don't have to take them any more unless I have another flare up. So those took the pain and inflammation down and I'm OK ... unless things flare up again. I am back to doing everything like I used to, but Mom gets a wee bit concerned when Dave throws me around during Zoomie sessions. I've only (thankfully) had one flare up!
I hope things go well for you with yours. Can ya keep me posted? I know it hurts a lot. Try to do all the stuff your vet tells you to do. Umm... and I think CHEESE is good for your back. Really.
Play bows,
Ouch you poor thing.
I had Rimodyl for my poorly leg and it was magic. I was better in no time. They said it wasn't arthritis but it was still magic. I hope it is magic for you too my friend
love from Beanz
Randay! I was so excited to hear about x-rated Randi but now I'm sad to hear about your back. :( But I have spondylosis, too. I had a bad flare up and was supposed to take rimadyl but, um, I took the entire sample pack, trip to emergency vet, charcoal--long story. I blogged about it in December of 06. Anyway--I'm not on any long term care and I haven't had any more problems (I'm slower than I used to be but I'm pretty old, too). I take Glucosamine and MSM and I take a supplement called Dog Gone Pain (DGP) that helps a lot. My ma ape was a little worried about the tum issues with rimadyl. If you want to e-mail us my e-mail is wallythecorgador at comcast dot net.
wally t.
Poor Randi! I'm sorry you have Arthur Itis. He's mean! Do you like swimming? I've heard it's great exercise for doggies with joint problems. And it was great for me after my back surgery.
Pee Ess from Sarah: Whatever you do, don't get a transdermal pain patch. They are sticky and impossible to get off without major hair-pullage!!!
well that sucks the big one randi I am sorry.
Oooo, kewl x-rays & yeah! Your hippies are absolutely pawfect! My right one (I think) is no good. The knuckle is not fitted properly in the socket & that's why I walk like a model on the catwalk. But I have no HD which is good! I can still run, jump, dance & do whatever with no problem. But when I age, I'm not sure if it'll get worst. You look terribly drugged in those pictures. You need some energizer drink girl!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey Randi,
We're so sorry to hear about your back. :( We don't have any advice but we're here for you if you need anything!
Hi, Randi!
I am so sorry to hear about your back! We don't know about that but sure we hope you get better soon!
Good vibes for you!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Randi, thanks for telling me you are pawly. Or your back is pawly. I have come shooting over to give you lots of licks and kisses this morning (even though I don't normally do kisses). And snoses too. I think we just need to lie quietly next to each other somewhere. The floor might be easier for you than the sofa but it is always cool in summer I find.
Take care and keep us updated.
Love Pippa xx
I am so sorry that you're having back problems. Try and exploit it for a few extra treats.
If they suggest Glucosamine, Momma's research found that pharmicutical grade liquid is absorbed the best. It was a wonder drug for Tasha. But my Momma suggests that your Mom research the issues with Rimadyl. Some dogs have had issues - I can't remember what organ it affects. It's late and Momma has been emailing all night so she done with research for the night.
Princess Eva
We don't want to hear that you're hurting, Randi! We hope the medicine makes you feel better real, real soon!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are busy doing the circle of healing vibes at this minute for you. Take care of yourself. Foley and Dawson both have to take medicine, but they are mental.
Oh Randi, sorry to read that you have a bad back. Loggy was on Rimadyl and got switched over to Deramaxx, both NSAIDs for inflammation. He did not have any side effects while on them. During the by-processing these drugs, it really taxes the liver. Loggy was supplemented w/ Sam-E and Milk Thistle for liver health while on these.
Hope you are feeling good soon!
xoxo :)
Thankfully, we have no experience with any of that stuff. We really hope the meds work for you and you are feeling better. We will send some healing back vibes!
Hey Randi!
I am so sorry to hear about your ouchy back! Glad they gave you some meds to help with it though! Hope it keeps workin!
Jack and Abby
Youw Hippies awe simply gowgeous!, but I'm weally sowwy to heaw that youw spines awe misbehaving..I hope it doesn't huwt too much..being a ballewina is not such a gweat life , so that's OK , but I want you not to be in pain..I hope youw medcin wowks and that some doggie has some good advice
smoochie soothing kisses
Hi Randi! Sorry you have arthritis in your spine! We think swimming is still good for you. Rimadyl didn't help Tank when he got injured, but Deramaxx sure did. Everybody's different with what works and what doesn't. Hope you can get the pain under control and feel better.
Hey Randi, Don't worry about that prima ballerina thing. It's not all it;s cut out to be, and you have to put up with loads of sexism. They're always trying to put us independent woman in skirts, damn it!
You know abll about glucosamine and all the rest, I'm sure. Mom was getting me shots of something whose name we forget for a while, but didn't notice much.
She is trying me on something holistic called Sierrasil. It's totally different than glucosamine. http://www.sierrasil.com/
I guess it did marvelous things for mom's knees and back, so she thinks it might help my dysplasia in my shoulders. Will keep you posted on that.
So, does this mean you have no furs on your back right now?
Oh Randi, my Beautiful Raja had the arthritus AND hip dis place ya. She was so sore and took many different druggies. I take glucocamine to help my joints feel better.
Hope the rim your dill helps. You look pretty stoned.
BARK! Randi licks to you. Latly with this heat, I have been slowing down too. Mommy doesnt let me run with her on her bike anymore. Last week I had 2 bad days where my leg just puckered out and so I sat down on my walk. Mommy got us a ride home from some nice lady. It was fun to jump into a little machine, instead of that Big green one Mommy has. We only went a few blocks, but I felt so spoilt. Mommy is giving me lots of love, that always makes things feel better. BARK! Sasha the princess
poor randi with all the back pain and sedation...
i hope u gonna be alright
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