Another guess what...I have a bicep tendon shoulder injury...I saw a super duper doggie surgery specialist & he thinks with a little R&R & some Rymidal for the next 4 weeks that I should do OK...if I don't its more serious & I don't wanna think about that right now...
So on this Randay, I'm thankful for my Daddy who is WAY MORE easy to use trickery on & get lots of treatables!
Oh - I'll be doing my tags from various pups when my mom/secretary returns on Tuesday!
Love & Licks,
We just turned in the general direction of Mpls and waved to your mom.
What happened? How did your hurt your shoulder?
Princess Eva
oh dear about your shoulder... I hope it gets better on its own! If you mom wants more info on this type of injury she can probably get it from the orthodogs forum :
Enjoy resting on Randay!
Dana + Moose
Hi Randi! I sure do hope your shoulder hurty feels all better soon.
HI, Randi
Happy Randay!
I am so sorry to hear that your shoulder is bothering you! I hope the meds help you!
Have a nice day with your dad!
Kisses and hugs
Randi, you have to rest and take your fixit medicine so that you get better soon. Tell your dad that pizza is very important for proper healing.
Oh Randi! I am so sorry to hear about your shoulder. Dr. Wally prescribes lots of long naps dreaming of corgadors.
I'm glad to hear you've trained your dad. Way to go!
wally t.
ps. I once ate a whole sample bottle of Rimadyl. Apparently that is not an effective way to make the pain go away forever. It is a good way to get a charcoal dinner, though.
I'm so sowwy about youw shouldew ouchy. I guess when you'we a gweat athlete stuff like that happens sometimes..I will cwoss my paws that it helas and feels bettew vewy soon.
smoochie kisses
Our paws are crossed that your shoulder feels better soon, Randi!
We hope your dad takes you out for a burger and fries! That's what our dad does when mom heads to Florida!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are sending healing vibes to that shoulder, we sure hope you don't need that bad surgery junk!
Randy you really need to take care of yourself.
And don't bother dreaming of silly corgadors. You need to dream about me. Your FIRST boyfriend.
I am going to have a nap and think of you and send you lots of pawsome vibes.
P x
oh we hope your shoulder gets better
Oh you poor thing. We hope your shoulder will feel better soon...
Solid Gold Dancer
You are on the top of our list for healing vibes when the circle is done.
Hope you are mended soon my friend
Hi Randi! I just saw your comment on another blog and did a little happy dance 'cuz I was able to add you to the Friends list on my new blog. The URL is if you want to come visit me again. Mom had not saved everyone from my old Friends list in Favorites so it is taking a long time to find everyone again.
I hope your shoulder heals well. My Daddy is having surgery on his shoulder in a couple of weeks so we know how much bad shoulders hurt.
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