I'M BACK! Our stupid internet connection was on the fritz & wouldn't let my mom/secretary get to blogger at all or lots of other websites either...but it magically fixed itself...so I'm very happy about that...for all of you who may have forgotten about me...here is a pic of my very pretty paw paws...

I've been keeping busy smelling the flowers, playing ball & napping...& playing nurse to little Win-com-poop...

Remember my cousin Winston had a tumor on his side? Well, it was decided he needed it removed cuz he kept making it all oozy & bloody...Here he is in the car on the way to the vet...he was pretty scared....what a baby...

Here it is...sorry if you are a bit queezy...the tumor was the size of a quarter...& really nasty looking...sorry if any of you just had lunch...

Here he is with a new circuit breaker installed...I hope that really calms him down...

Its soooo gross I had to close my eyes....just can't look...yuck...

But he's doing much better now...& still stealing my toys... silly Win-com-poop...

Even though I've been told the "be nice" & "play gentle" cuz one lost stitch & all his guts could come oozing outta his side, I still have to defend my turf... & my toys...

I've tried to explain that tug of war is NOT an off limits game to those who have just had their side sliced open...TOUGHEN UP!

I think they may have put an extra high voltage circuit breaker in him...he's still has tons of energy & is dragging me on the carpet... anyway...its good to be back!
Love & Licks,
Winston looks like he's feeling no pain playing tug with you, Randi! What a pretty picture of you smelling the pretty flowers with your pink collar on!
Glad you're back!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Randi!
We know about bad internet connections! Its not fun!
Looks like Winston is doing pretty well! Sure it was fun to play tug with him!
Kisses and hugs
tanner had an ouchie removed too, sure didn't slow him down at all!!
Missed ya Randi girl! Me have been missing for three days but I'm back too. I think Win-com-poop has forgotten that his side has been sliced open just a few hours ago. BOL!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
He looks so funny with the cone on his head! You should bite him for stealing his toys! Abby tries to steal my toes, but I just chew on her face and she always gives them back.
Thank goodness you're back, we missed you! Looks like he's feeling a-ok if he's pulling you around. Of course, you ARE skinny now so it's not that hard.
Randi Girl!
I love your paw paws, with or without the flower.
Winston looks like he's a big nasty punker, or maybe a pup who got into a biker fight.
I noticed your little flipper paw paws (front ones) are all turned under during most of the tug game. Does that give you better traction?
Goober love,
Glad Winston had his tumour removed, better safe than sorry. Did that toy survive that bout of tug of war? It looks pretty streeeeeeeeeetched!
Toodle pip
Harry x
Randi, Look how you tuck those cute paw paws back to play tug with Win-com-poop. That is quite possibly the cutest thing I've seen all day!
Poor Winston!! I can totally sympathize...I hope he's on some good drugs too.
You look boootiful in those flowers Randi.
Hey gorgeous - I'm back too. Well for today anyway.
Your pawpaws are sooo beautiful. The flower is nothing like as lovely as your adorable paws.
And you look so cute doing the seal pose while you are playing with Winston.
Love Pippa xx
I hope Winston feels all better soon. That looks a little bit hurty!
Did aliens put a transmission device in Win-com-poop? He seems really intent on taking your toys. It is a little scary that he has super pup strength after being cut open. Keep a look out for that transmission device.
It's so gweat to see you..hehehe youw pawents have the same pictoowes? hehehe..I guess thewe awe just so many ways to take those bootiful sights..I hope Winni feels lots bettew..youw paws look soooo bootiful with that flowew!happy spwing!
smoochie kisses
Poor Winston! I'm really impressed he can drag you with that conehead/Frankenbody. Though I wonder--have you lost TOO much weight? Do you need to come over to my house for chicken back apertifs?
Oh the horror to be dragged about by a juiced up cone-head. And by your own toy no less!
Randi, so happy to see Winston made it out from under the knife a-ok. He's up to his old tricks. You're a great cousin to keep him company, even while he dons his crazy plastic headgear.
Wooo! Glad Winston is doing well. I LOVE that first photo of the flower by your paws. Very artsy!
Oh we are so glad your back. Winston looks to good to just have had something removed from him
those flowers made my human's day. We haven't seen flowers here in ages! Bleh!
I'm happy Winston is up to him ol' self!!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Glad to see you back, Randi. We hope Winston is making a speedy recovery! Be sure you keep playing nice with him. It looks like you're doing a very good job of letting him drag you!! Belly Rubs, Tasha & Eva.
Psssssst...It's RANDAAAAYYY!
so glad winston is doing better...and good to hear your internet connection is back!
i'll play tug-0-war with ya! i love that game :)
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