HAPPY RANDAY! & what a Randay its been! The Chat Pawty has been pawsome & I'm so happy have chatted with all of you! When I wasn't chatting...I was eating a new type of carrot...

Shredded carrot! They retain more of their carrotty flavor & are super yummy in comparison to diced carrots!

Since I'm on a orange streak today...I picked lots of oranges from my orange tree & made this...


Then I ripped up some toys...& the living room still hasn't been cleaned by my mom/secretary/maid either!

This is what I'm doing now...I think I'm gonna go chat some more...Ain' no pawty like a dog chat pawty cuz a dog chat pawty don't stop!
On this Randy I'm thankful for Opy & Charlies peoples that started Dogs with Blogs!
Love & Licks,
Your meal looks rather deeleecious but are your carrots cooked? Last time, my hoomans went to a Nutrition talk & this famous Purina Nutritionists was telling them that if they don't cook the carrots, they ain't working. Many people say that raw carrots will help our eyes & so on but actually they're not. So all that time you've been eating raw carrots, they were not helping your eyes at all. BOL! Don't know if this is true or not but my hoomans trusts on what she says coz she's a certified Nutritionists. After the talk, my hooman boil our carrots before they feed us. And we prefer boiled carrots to raw! Woah, what a mess. Your secretary should do her job by cleaning up the place. Haha!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Happy Randay, Randi Girl!
You have been very busy, even in the midst of all that chatting. Sorry I missed you at the pawty. I only got a couple of short chats in, but I'm STINKIN' thankful for Opy, Charlie, and their peeps too! DWB is the BEST! (Almost as good as bacon... and THAT's saying something.)
Goober love & Randay smooches,
orange juice is really refreshing...slurp!
Hi Randi!
Looks like a super great Randay!!
We have shredded carrots in our fridge - I am going to ask mom to put some in my dinner too!
And how great that you can get oranges right out of your yard!
Love Clover xo
P.S. I love your white paw!
Carrots look yummy, but I do not think I would enjoy them very much. I am glad you like them though, because they look very healthy.
We've heard that shredded carrots keep your teeth pearly white! It's working, Randi!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Randi - sorry I missed u at the chat pawty! Gotta say I'm a tad jealous about your fresh OJ! Yummy!!
luv ya
Lola Smiles
Ohhhhh, carrots are my favorite!! But I've never had them shredded. Mom gives me the whole baby carrot and I eat it up :)
It was great chatting with you this weekend!
Happy belated Randay Randi! Those shredded carrots look mighty appetizing, it must be more fun to chew than the chopped up bits. Orange juice is yummy!
xoxo :)
C,M,R & R
oh your bloggie is making us hungry Randi! we thankful too fur Opy & Charlies's daddy for DWB ~ the chat pawty was pawsome!
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud today
Hi, Randi!
Looks like you had a very interesting Randay!
I've never tasted orange juice but I love carrots!
It was great to chat with you yesterday!
DWB rocks!
Kisses and hugs
That is a very colorful bowl of food Randi! We do not like carrots very much but Zeke loves red and yellow bell peppers and tomatoes. I eat them just because he does.
we had fun chatting with you! looks like a great Randay, but watch with the orange juice, too much vitamin C will give you some um juicy poo :)
Bacon and a chat pawty. What could be better. I hear you are coming to visit and Grammie is going to give you LOTS of treats.
Woah, you have an orange tree?! How cool, they won't grow here... all of that food looks delicious!
M & I
Hey Randi... are you the Randi that was in the chatroom ?... if it is, it was nice chatting to you Randi that rhymes with Candi.
Your meal looks soo nice, i must get ails to do that for me.
lots of licks
Hey Randi, It was great to see you in the chat.
We wish we had an orange tree. Our living room looks like that all the time. Chatting with you was fun fun.
Randi - The chat rocks! You have your own orange tree? Cool. I like carrots too.
We have some of those exploding toys too. They just seem to go Poof!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
woof's randi, nice chatin wiff u at the dwb's chat pawty....all dat food looks sooo good, me iz hungry now...
b safe,
Oooh, that food looks good! I love carrots. I'm drooling on the keyboard again...
It was grrrrEAT to meet you at the chat pawty, Randi! That pawty was a BLAST.
Man, you got a ton of toys! Can I come over and help you de-stuff them?
I have had those grated carrots too. Mistress has a book somewhere that says they are very good for us pups.
I never got to the pawty. Mistress was superbusy this weekend. Well, she says she was.
Pippa xx
We just love your white paws!
It was nice chatting with you last weekend!
Geez you know how to EAT!!!! Gotta try fettucine alfredo tho - it is like the bestest ever food ever invented!
Bussie Kissies
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