Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hi everybody...Happy Randay! This past week I was having a bad fur complex...I had a split end on my whisker that was getting worse... That's not very diva-ish at I had to have a grooming session this morning...Look at all that fuzzy black fur that fell off of me! I bet I lost about 5 pounds...I was also a very good at making a big fuss so my mom/secretary/beautician had to feed me lots of liver treats...she's so gulliable...always falls for that trick... Here is a pic of my split end when it was still attached to my beautiful face - it became much worse over the course of the week...splitting 3x!...
You can see here just how bad it was...& once again I made a HUGE FUSS about her snipping off my whisker...& more liver treats followed...
Then I had can see I'm flipping a piece of carrot off of my tongue & it went flying right by my ear...its in the air on the edge of the cloth & the wall if you can't see it...biggie the pic if you'd like...notice all the wonderful Valentines that are still hanging on my wall...
Then a nice leisurely stroll...I'm trying to do a bit of resistance training going uphill...I find a leash works quite well...

On this Randay, I'm thankful for freeze dried liver treats...they make many situations that I must endure worthwhile...

Love & Licks,

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Brother Dublin

Its been one year ago today since my brother Dublin went to Rainbow Bridge...My mom & dad keep saying they can't believe its been an whole year already...we all feel like we've been living in a fog for the last 12 months... Here is a painting that one of our friends had done to remember Dublin by...they used the photograph above as inspiration...It is a cherished piece that sits above our fireplace...
You all would have loved Dublin...He was a big baby trapped in an even bigger body & a master of trickery...Everyone said he had the looks & I had the brains...even when I was at my heaviest at 120 pounds ...(remember, I'm a sleek 86-pounder now) Dublin still outweighed me by 15 pounds...he was a fit 135 pounder & used to throw his weight around (literally) to get him what he wanted...
Here we both are - these are our fat photos...I'm about 120 here & Dublin is about was the fault of Mr. Faulty Thyroid!
Here we are as "two peas in a pod"...My mom/secretary would like to thank all my DWB friends...she says taking the job as my secretary gave her the opportunity to meet all of you & channel her grief into something positive...

Run free live forever in our hearts...

Love & Licks,

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My dear darling Pippadog has just launched his silent film career & its taking a little bit longer than he realized...sure, he has the distinguished good looks, soulful eyes & a killer smile...but sometimes rare talent takes time to be discovered....I'm looking at the April '08 issue of Allure magazine & on page 86 is a little blurb about Rudolph Valentino who Pippa is sometimes likened to...
I can see how the ladies adore Pippa for his exotic good looks...cuz I'm one of them...But that is where the similiarities end...cuz I really don't know any men that feel threatened by Pippa's natural kohl circled eyes...I feel they only enhance his already dreamy looks...& I, like many of his girlfriends, could quote the Debbie Gibson song, "Lost in Your Eyes"...

"I get lost, in your eyes... And I feel my spirits rise... And soar like the wind... Is it love that I am in? I get weak in a glance... Isn't this what's called romance? And that's what I know... Cause when I'm lost I can't let go..."

*Sigh* He sure is dreamy...OK... another think I've been meaning to tell you all...I need the name of a very good stylist...cuz I have a split end on one of my whiskers...You can see it here...
& a close up of it here... What's a girl to do? How am I supposed to compete for the attention of Pippa when I'm flawed? I know that Sophie La Flirtador up in Montreal must have a fantastic stylist...She is always well-coiffed..not a blonde fur out of place...
& here is a pic of my on-the-mend ouchie paw paw...its feeling much better & the scabbing is almost done...again...I'm still flawed...I think I may need to spend some time at a doggie spa & get beautiful again...

Love & Licks,

Sunday, March 23, 2008


HAPPY RANDAY EVERYBODY! & Happy Easter too! I'm back with my peoples after my 2 night sleepover at Winston's house... Its nice to be home...but its not so nice to be outfitted with silly bunny ears... Where are the peeps? ...the jelly beans & the chocolate? Ok...I know I can't have chocolate..but maybe some eggs would be nice! But I did get a nice stuffed Easter Elephant this morning...
A lovely profile of me in bunny ears... Maybe I can wear these ears this summer with a bikini & be a beach bunny....
Geez...this is boring...
Time to nap...
Stupid ears...

On this Randay, I'm thankful when my peoples come home from a little trip & cuddle...

Happy Easter!

Love & Licks,

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Here's an old pic of me & Winston having a sleep over at my I'm going to have to go & sleep over at HIS house till Sunday which of course is RANDAY! My peoples are going on another adventure & I cannot come along...*BIG SIGH* Don't they realize that things are always much more fun with a big furry black doggie along?
Here's a pic of my trying to figure out how I'll pass my time at Winston's without him driving me crazy...maybe I'll try to cross my eyes & hypnotize him...On a more serious note (if you can be serious when talking about that little Win-com-poop)...I went along with him to the vet yesterday...turns out he has a little tumor on the side of his shoulder...the docs think its that's good...even as much as I whine about him, he's still pretty fun to play with...He might have to have it taken off in a couple weeks...maybe I can get the docs to take out the hyper-overdrive-spazz part of his brain...

'Till Randay...

Love & Licks,

Monday, March 17, 2008

Top 'O The Mornin' to Ya....

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone~! My mom & I celebrated by making an Irish cabbage & bacon soup along with some yummy brown bread...
Then I tricked Win-com-poop into tasting the Jameson...what a little ninny!
Unfortunately, we couldn't taste this yummy dark Guiness that in my dad's hand...this was taken in Dublin a few years ago...
And THIS DUBLIN was adopted 7 years ago today! WE MISS YOU DUBLIN!
& since many of you are worried about my paw it is...looks kinda gross...sorry if any of you are getting a sicky tummy...but my mom/secretary/nurse has been making sure it stays clean...& I'm not allowed to lick it...but I'm not following those orders either...

Have a great St. Patrick's Day everyone!

Love & Licks,

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Happy Randay Everybody! I've been sad for various reasons...first, blogger didn't let my mom/secretary post all week! Then I hurted my paw paw today chasing Win-com-poop in our yard...see the white bandage?...
My mom/secretary came home & found my paw paw scraped & bloody...I refuse to tell her what happened pride in on the line...
So I'm taking it easy today...just resting....a hurty paw paw on Randay isn't a fun paw paw...
I got a new collar this week! Its pretty & polka-dotted & pink! & looks absolutely smashing against my shiny black furs...See how my pink tongue matches?
Remember last week on Randay I said my peoples were going on an adventure & I couldn't come along? Well, they drove all the way up to Los Angeles to see the movie U23D...They were lazy & it left the San Diego they drove all the way up there to see it...
& all the brought us were these silly 3D glasses... Win-com-poop looks even more crazy than usual in this pic...
I wish they would have chosen a different color besides black...I like to coordinate, but a nice pair of red or pink frames would have been much better....
Here is a pic of me doing what my paw paws do best...I hope I'm able to still do this after I scraped up my paw paw...I'll keep you updated.
On this Randay, I'm thankful for mom/secretaries that will spend a 1/2 hour cleaning all the dirt & gravel & ouchie bits outta my hurty paw paw...she's a good mom, even if I don't say it too often...
Love & Licks,
ps...another thing that made me sad look-a-like friend in Scotland, Marvin the Hollow Hound has left DWB...anyone know why? anyone has his snail mail addy? I'd love to send him a card...I miss him already...

Sunday, March 9, 2008


HAPPY RANDAY EVERYBODY! My mom/secretary has been telling me she's been having Blogger problems...I guess that's why I don't have any new posts....don't they realize today is RANDAY? Can't have Blogger problems on a Randay!

Anyway...this is the only pic that she can upload right now...but that's OK...its a pretty pic of me in my backyard with lots of orange flowers...I dedicate these flowers (& me) to Pippa...since he is trying very hard to veto any flowerly pics that his Mistress tries to put on his bloggy...

Well, not sure how great of a Randay its gonna be...I'm gonna be spending the day with my cousin Winston (aka Win-com-poop)...since my peoples are going on an adventure & I guess I cannot come along...

So on this Randay, I'm thankful for little baby DEXTER that has found a home with Mango...he came home yesterday...I know Mango is going to make a great big brother (no pun intended...)

Love & Licks,

ps...stay tuned this week for posts on some lovely packages I've received in the first ones! Happy Randay!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Is Your 'Puter Screen Clean?

Did you know that cleanliness is next to dogliness? I always clean up after myself, but my mom/secretary sometimes needs a bit of help in that department...expecially on the ' I enlisted the services of this...

Please click & clean your screen!

Love & Licks,

Sunday, March 2, 2008


Happy Randay Everybody! Its been a lazy day here...but that's OK...I went on walkies, ate breakfast, lunch & dinner & had my belly rubbed for hours! Mr. Froggy & a tennis ball kept me occupied too...two toys in my mouth is much better than one!
And, two PUPCAKES are better than one as well..but I had to share with my cousin response to my last post, Winston was completely loopy & wobbly from his much so that his peoples didn't want him taking them two days in a he had his nails done elsewhere...don't know how much torture he endured...since I wasn't there to laugh at him...but I still had to share my I guess that's not much to laugh about...also...he's not REALLY my cousin (thank goodness!) just my dad's brother's pup....he's a whippit & something else cross...
My mom/secretary & I also watched the movie 'Once'....a little gem of an indie film...which won best original song for a movie at the Oscars...It was filmed in Dublin, Ireland - my mom's favorite place on the she knew she was going to like it even if it was rubbish...but it wasn't...She keeps singing all the songs...over & over & over...most of the time she's been rubbing my belly at the same time, so I forgive her awful voice...

On this Randay, I'm thankful for movies that make my mom/secretary/horrible singer stay in one spot for hours so I get lots of tummy & rump rubs...

Love & Licks,