Anyway...this is the only pic that she can upload right now...but that's OK...its a pretty pic of me in my backyard with lots of orange flowers...I dedicate these flowers (& me) to Pippa...since he is trying very hard to veto any flowerly pics that his Mistress tries to put on his bloggy...
Well, not sure how great of a Randay its gonna be...I'm gonna be spending the day with my cousin Winston (aka Win-com-poop)...since my peoples are going on an adventure & I guess I cannot come along...
So on this Randay, I'm thankful for little baby DEXTER that has found a home with Mango...he came home yesterday...I know Mango is going to make a great big brother (no pun intended...)
Love & Licks,
ps...stay tuned this week for posts on some lovely packages I've received in the mail...my first ones! Happy Randay!
You are lovely in front of those orange flowers. Can't wait to see your pressies.
Blogger problems on Randay totally sucks! Blogger has been a little problem for me too but for now, it's okay. I love that picture of you with all those loverly flowers in the background!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Blogger's been givin' my human probs too! What's up with that, eh?
Dude, I gotta say we're a tad jealous seeing you lay in the grass with those pretty flowers. I'll be lucky if I get to see grass by the month of May. We're up to our necks in snow around here.
luv ya
lola smiles
Happy Randay! I hope you have fun with the Win-com-poop. That should be adventure enough for you!
Happy Randay Randi!
You look so lovely, lazing on your sunny patch! We're jealous as well! It's still freezin' here in the Northeast :( I'm sure your peoples miss you even on their adventure today.
Much love,
Mo, Rube, Reb & Chums
Your green grass and orange flowers look so inviting, Randi! We can't wait to hear about your pressies!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh Randi, I would give anything to hang out with you and Win-com-poop. It's snowing constantly here and even I am tired of it.
nice weather for a picnic on Randay!
we had some blogger problems this weekend too, stupid blogger!
Well I confess I like the pretty flower photos, makes spring seem less distant.
Happy Randay!
Toodle pip
Harry x
I think everybody in the world was blogging at the same time yesterday because I had to upload my pictures ONE AT A TIME and it took like forever.
At least yesterday was a good day for sun baking. Hope you got yourself all sizzlin hot!
What a lovely picture! Were you having a picnic??
Yeah, what's up with Blogger? Mom had some issues with it too.
those flowers are almost as pretty as you are.
Blogger is weird sometimes! Glad you had a Happy Randay!
Kisses and hugs
Glad it was a good Randay! We can't wait to have green grass like that (even if it is just a small patch) and mama is counting down the days til she can plant some flowers. Looking forward to the pressie pictures!!
Peace + Paws,
Hey, Randi Girl!
Sounds like everydog is having blogger problems. Hope you get to upload photos SOOON!
You look very sweet on your blankie in the orange-flower-filled backyard!
Goober love & smooches,
Just wanted to let you know that I've changed my blog URL becoz some crackpot has been visiting my blog & leaving mean comments & we know who it is. Just click on my name & it will direct you there.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hello Randi xx
You look very beautiful in front of those flowers, they so suit your lovely complexion.
If I had to choose between you and the flowers though you would win paws down.
Thank you for being so thoughtful about my flower problems. I am beginning to give up to be honest, so your post came just at the right time.
Kisses from Gib. Pippa xx
hi Randi, we've been having 'puter problems, so we can feel your pain. it's just not cool on Randay to have any problems. life should be perfect on Randay. do you want us to say something to someone about that.?
Bye Bye Randi, I have to leave Blog Land, but thank you for being such a grrrrreat friend.
I will miss you.
Love and many licks, Marvin xxxxx
And many more Happy Randays!
Hi Randay! I hope you have had a good week in between the last Randay and today, pre-Randay! I played outside and ate a Wizzler in your honor.
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