Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My dear darling Pippadog has just launched his silent film career & its taking a little bit longer than he realized...sure, he has the distinguished good looks, soulful eyes & a killer smile...but sometimes rare talent takes time to be discovered....I'm looking at the April '08 issue of Allure magazine & on page 86 is a little blurb about Rudolph Valentino who Pippa is sometimes likened to...
I can see how the ladies adore Pippa for his exotic good looks...cuz I'm one of them...But that is where the similiarities end...cuz I really don't know any men that feel threatened by Pippa's natural kohl circled eyes...I feel they only enhance his already dreamy looks...& I, like many of his girlfriends, could quote the Debbie Gibson song, "Lost in Your Eyes"...

"I get lost, in your eyes... And I feel my spirits rise... And soar like the wind... Is it love that I am in? I get weak in a glance... Isn't this what's called romance? And that's what I know... Cause when I'm lost I can't let go..."

*Sigh* He sure is dreamy...OK... another think I've been meaning to tell you all...I need the name of a very good stylist...cuz I have a split end on one of my whiskers...You can see it here...
& a close up of it here... What's a girl to do? How am I supposed to compete for the attention of Pippa when I'm flawed? I know that Sophie La Flirtador up in Montreal must have a fantastic stylist...She is always well-coiffed..not a blonde fur out of place...
& here is a pic of my on-the-mend ouchie paw paw...its feeling much better & the scabbing is almost done...again...I'm still flawed...I think I may need to spend some time at a doggie spa & get beautiful again...

Love & Licks,


Sophie Brador said...

Randi! You are gorgeous girl! Don't let that split end get you down. My current stylist is melting quickly and then I don;t know what I'll do. Mom is going to start thinking rosemary and mint baths again, I just know it! A snow bath is so much better.


Asta said...

You awe cewtainly not flawed!!! and I bet Pippa the Dweamy is in love with you,,I just twim split awe soo bootiful, but a spa tweatment would make you feel even bettew..thank you fow the nice welcome to my wheeley sissy..she hopes she gets to twy the limoncello..will it weally plump my lipses? I have to twy.
smoochie kisses
pee ess. Mommi says, she is fat.but wunning up and down subway staiws and all awound town is good excewcise hehehe

Harry said...

I think Pippa (and all us boys) can see beyond a split whisker or poorly paw)!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Moco said...

Foley and Dawson say that you are lovely. We are glad that your paw is getting better.

Stanley said...

Randi Girl!

YOU ARE NOT FLAWED!! You're GORGEOuoso! If Pippa ever tells you otherwise, well, I'll just have to have a few words with him! (I'm sure he's jonesin' for you right at this minute).

Goober love & smooches,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Randi!
I am sure Pippa loves you exactly like you are!
Glad you paw is getting better!
Kisses and hugs

Clay's Mommy said...

Randi! We are so glad to see your foot is on the mend! Hoorah!

Jack and Abby

Pippa said...

Oh Randi, I could be almost embarrassed. What a sweet post. Anyway I'm not. That is very kind of you though to write such lovely things. I shall dream about your nearly all day (in-between toast and cats of course). I don't mind about your split ends. Mistress has loads of them. When you find a stylist make sure you tell them to visit mistress next.

And your pawly paw is looking better all the time, even without me to kiss it better.

Love from Pippa xx

Dexter said...

Your boo-boo is getting better. You are great the way you are. Those show gals with all their poofy hair and stuff just aren't my style.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

that must hurt...i hope your paw will heal fast, so that u can enjoy ur walkie without discomfort...

Amber-Mae said...

Good to know that your paw paw is healing. Wow, you have a split end whisker? You need to apply some conditioner...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

wally said...


You are perfect just as you are. The only thing that could make you more perfect is if you were here with me.

*bats eyes*


psst. Don't tell Pippa I'm flirterating with you!

chummy's mum said...

Hi Randi, You are a beautiful girl just as you are! Did Mom save your whisker for you? hee hee :) I know she would not let it go to waste, split ends and all! My mum is like that too.

Your footie looks like it is healing up really well!

Chumba and the 3 Golden bears